Home Base “Irish” Coffee

a mug brimming with whipped cream is on a marble countertop in front of a bag of lady falcoln coffee and a bottle of home base bourbon and a bright window behind the scene


1 1/2 ounces Home Base Bourbon (or if you must, Irish whiskey)

2 teaspoons brown or demerara sugar

4 ounces hot brewed coffee

Garnish: unsweetened, lightly whipped cream

Recommended: 6 ounce stemmed glass, or mug less than 8 ounces

Fill an Irish Coffee mug with hot water, let sit for 2 minutes, then discard the water. Add the sugar to the heated glass, fill with the coffee, and stir until dissolved. Add whiskey and stir. Pour whipped cream over the back of a spoon until 1 inch thick, or as desired.

Make it your own: substitute the sugar for a flavored liqueur, such as an amaro or amaretto (Baileys is a popular one!)

Adapted from The Whiskey Advocate and Liquor.com


3/30/2023: The Bridal Party at BRYR


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