2023 Holiday Tastings!

a spherical vase with orange flowers sits next to three bottles of Home Base Spirits whiskies with pourers inserted on a grey surface in front of a dark navy background

Whiskey season is upon us, which means chillier nights, family celebrations, and holiday cheer. We’re always honored when you make Home Base spirits part of your festive gatherings or seasonal traditions, and we want to make trying our latest batches as fun and easy as possible. Whether you are in East Bay, San Francisco, North Bay or South Bay, we’ve got a tasting (or two!) coming up for you. Check out the tastings calendar for full dates and details.

All tastings are free and open to everyone 21 years and older.

Some highlights for December are:

December 15, 5-7pm: Cordial Bottle Shop, Castro Valley Marketplace

December 27, 2-5 pm: Bottle Barn, Santa Rosa


Autumnal Home Base Highball


Craft & Cocktail’s The Snake Charmer